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Catherine Zuperku

It has definitely been a busy last few months. This blog has cob-webs all over it! But surprisingly I have some time because I've been put on a week of modified bed-rest. Eh, not what any future mama wants to hear but what matters most is this little fella and if I need to slow down for him than it has to happen. I started getting contractions last week and they have been intensifying. I honestly thought they were only braxton hicks contractions but they were a bit more. So far today has been a world of difference and I am so hopeful that I can get back to work after I see my Dr next week!

Anywho, my point was that I have time to post the baby shower pics! My wonderful sister Michelle along with my mom, Amanda, Lauren and Brenda threw me such a lovely shower! Thank you so much ladies! It was the cutest book theme that involved foxes and bears - which made me super happy as I'm in love with those themes for gummy.
I totally cried at the end - Dan and I are so thankful to you all and that we've been blessed with this little guy! He is already so spoiled!

baby bump week 30! (I'm now 33 weeks, so a little behind obviously!)

(invitations by catherine zuperku)