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Zander's Nursery

Catherine Zuperku

So...2 months after Z's birth, his room is finally done - and I just love it! I thought I would share the transformation. A huge thank you to my hubby because as you can see he did most of the work - but I did cheer him on ;0)
My huge initial problem with his room was the fact that it's SO TINY. And that was really noticeable when we finally received his swivel chair and was shocked that there was literally no more room to add anything else. But little Z has no idea so who really cares! Click here for the post on his mood board. We wanted an industrial feel that felt sophisticated and nostalgic with a nod to planes. Z's great grandpa Q was a test pilot in WW2 and his great grandma S was a stewardess. I would have gone more modern with his rocking chair but thank God we took the trip to Chicago to test the chairs out because the one I adored was not comfortable at all.  Comfort means so much to me, especially at 2am. And the dresser I loved was a bit too expensive, so we ended up with a few shortcuts, but all in all, I love sitting in his room and staring at it - it completely fits him to a "T."
Hope you enjoy the little tour! And I couldn't help but put a couple pics of my little man, he's getting so big!