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#MissionMouseMan2016 - Part I

Catherine Zuperku

We did it! We journeyed to the most magical place on earth... and still came out of it alive! Lol.
Seriously though, it was such a toss up for us to go. Two major reasons we were undecided for so long was 1. Dan would be preoccupied with his Security Conference and we wouldn't get any help from Daddy until the last day :( and 2. Does a 22 month old really enjoy their time at Disney? I'm sure he won't actually remember our time there. However, the look on his face when we met Mickey (or as Daddy and Zander call him: MouseMan) was magical! I can't even describe how in awe he was when he met him - I really don't know how to explain it! You won't be able to tell how elated he was by the pictures because he was so in shock - he didn't even smile! But a mama knows her baby and he has never been that star struck, ever ;0)
One of the best things we did was invite my sister Kaitlyn to be a co-mama for the trip! And oh my gosh, I don't know how I would have done it without her! Any time he had a tantrum and I was running short on patience she would step in and say, "Hey, Zander, do you wanna spin your tupperware?" or "Zander, let's hide in the curtains!" It was such a blessing. While we were there I was thinking, wow we're doing a lot with a 22 month old and he was only having 20 minute naps (when he normally takes 3 hour naps!) and yet I look back on our adventure and am so happy we decided to go. In hind-sight he did quite well!
So, it's safe to say that even with all the tantrums, the heat, traveling with tons of luggage, flying there without Daddy and barely any naps... we had the a most memorable and wonderful time! Mission Mouse Man 2016 was a success! I kind of hope we get to go next year or the year after!

Aw, this picture makes me realize how big this boy has gotten! (teary eyed mama!)

After Kaitlyn and I did a cheesy photo we went to walk away and then Zander climbed the stairs and wanted to do one too! He's definitely my boy! lol.