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Father's Day 2017!

Catherine Zuperku

Here's to my man, who gives his all to provide for us, love us and cherish us - even in our tough days! He's one-of-a-kind, he's thoughtful and quite fun! He makes voices for all of Zander's animals, he builds outrageous Legos that Zander inevitably knocks down with a laugh and he is way more than I could ever describe! I'm thankful for a day like father's day to remember all the amazing things that make me feel so blessed that Dan gets to be our son's father! And it also makes me realize how much my own father gave up for all of us 6 kids!
Being a parent is no easy feat, it's hard, it's not glamorous and it's full of hard life lessons. But I remember my dad always said it was worth more than gold the way he felt about each of us!
And seeing my husband whisper "I love you" in Zander's ear just makes my heart melt! I'm very glad this man got to be a daddy! He's a very good one!
Simply put... I love him!

Zander's awesome face when you tell him to smile! LOL