Snip, Snip!
Catherine Zuperku
Zander's 1st haircut! Ah, he's growing up too fast. I can barely believe he's 16 months! I actually forgot he was until last month at his 15 month appt. He is such a big boy, the traces of "baby" are gone and he's just a little person with a big personality!
As for his first haircut... we debated going to a children's salon and then we envisioned Zander being confined with scissors and the poor stylist. Hmm... not a good idea. In the end we decided that I should cut his hair. I have been cutting Dan's hair for almost 8 years now! Ah, and he looks pretty good, most of the time ;0) But most importantly we just wanted his first hair experience to be something he can ease into and we saved $$! That's always a plus on one income.
As for if it worked... well he moved a ton so there are uneven spots, BUT so far no one has noticed. Lol.
Here's a little peak into how it went down. ;0) I have to say, I wish we had cut it sooner. He looks so adorable with shorter hair. Instead of business in the front and party in the back he's now a bit edgier with it long on top and shorter in the back!
B.C. (before cut) Ah, look I got it in a ponytail!!!!
A.C. (after cut)