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Filtering by Tag: Alisha

#FLASHBACK: Part 1 of our Cali Trip

Catherine Zuperku

2 years ago exactly...

This one time, when I was 19 weeks pregnant and I was turning the dirty 30, my wonderful hubby and I embarked on a Hwy 1, California coast journey. We rented a VW Beetle and just went - we didn't even have stops or hotels planned! How irresponsible of us! Haha! But seriously, I just found these photos as I was cleaning out our Hard Drive and I had to share! I love these memories so much!
Now our real reason for this lovely adventure was to see my dear, sweet, friend Alisha (whom I hadn't seen since my wedding! Awesome side note: we've been friends for 25+ years now!) It was heaven! She is just amazing and her heart is like a glittery constellation! We've been through thick and thin together, even if it's been over states away and through emails! (Love you!)
But we also wanted to make the most of a trip, especially knowing all the sleepless nights and dirty diapers we were about to experience! (We had no clue how naive we really were!)
It was pretty monumental, we found out we were having a boy on this trip and that little jumping bean kicked for the first time at a little Motel that I can't even remember the name of! haha! Simple put, this was a priceless vacation!
For part I of our trip, we visited Alisha in LA for a few days and were smitten with how cute Malibu was and of course Alisha! Gosh, I love that lady ;D I treasure these pictures so much. I need to see her soon!
Photos taken by Alisha Ippolito, Dan and myself. (For some reason this first one makes me laugh at how I naive I feel looking at it. lol)

This day was my actual 30th, so no I don't normally hop on Kid rides unless there's a bet or money involved ;0)

Isn't she pretty! She always has been <3 I was always jealous of her gorgeous dark skin and dark hair!

I know I look so tiny for 19 wks, but I was SO proud of that bump ;0)

Can you see the fear in my eyes? I'm trying my best to hide it but I'm actually afraid of heights. Which doesn't explain why I could sky-dive perfectly fine but can't ride a Ferris wheel without feeling oozy?

This picture makes me laugh every time I see it. We had no clue what was coming, as in parenting. And side note: this was the first and only time that I have ever had an In-N-Out burger! It was de-lish!

Alisha also took us to the LACMA's Urban Lights! Hehe, I love her!

And while we were in the area Dan got in some surfing time at Venice Beach. His first time evahhh!

That's the face of a happy and tired guy!