Zander's Dedication!
Catherine Zuperku
written to Alexander Calvary...
Oh what a special memory this day will be for us! Your daddy and I prayed so much for the chance to have a baby and we finally had the chance to dedicate you to Christ! It took us a while to find the time, as this is no quick decision and there were classes for us to attend so we fully understood the role we play in your faith! So sorry this didn't happen when you were a couple months old and didn't mind being held in your mama's arms. No, it indeed happened when you were VERY squeamish and couldn't sit still! You in fact, were very animated on the stage, but it happened and your daddy and I couldn't be more thrilled!
And my sweet dear boy, we want you to know that you were made for a purpose; you were designed by the Master's hands and that he craves a relationship with you! Yes you! He hears your prayers, he knows your heart and he loves you even when you sin! His heart never grows weary of you and He will always be there for you!
We love that God chose us to raise you and that means we were given the huge responsibility of raising a young man. That's no easy task! And you already having a fighting personality! Lol! But we love you and we promise to raise you with the knowledge of Christ and his word and in turn, we pray that you grow into a man with a strong and caring heart, and that it mirrors that of Christ. That you value your relationship with Him above all else and that you look to Him to guide your life and your decisions.
As part of the Dedication, we had to choose a verse for you and pray over you. And we thought and prayed a lot about this and we chose Psalm 1:1-3, "Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers."
And as we know that this time on earth isn't meant to last, we want your heart and mind to be on your real home, Heaven! We love you so much Zander-man, this is our dedication to Christ for you! Xoxo, Mama + Dada
Haha, we tried to take family photos with everyone, but this is truly what most photos look like with you! Not sure if that was your plan, but it didn't work because I love it! ;0)
Lol! This one is my fave! Make me laugh every time I see it!
Lol, Holding toys was the only way we could get you to take any photos. Missing naps are no fun, sorry boo boo! You were such a champ!