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Filtering by Tag: El Dorado

Mexico Diary - Part I

Catherine Zuperku

With the weather we're having this week it's no wonder I'm dreaming of being back on a beach! We had no need for a jacket, we walked around with piña coladas in our hands and our biggest worry was hoping Zander wouldn't miss us or forget us. Haha, no worries there. He didn't even bat an eye when we came back. ;)
But honestly, after having a child and experiencing tons of ups and downs in life recently it was so so so nice to have a vacation with my best friend! Four days to literally just hold his hand. We must have looked like honeymooners! Lol. But I don't care! It was also heaven to get away from snow. I have determined I am not made for it and wouldn't mind at all if snow only arrived on my doorstep on Christmas Day! Ah, I know that sounds harsh... But January to March is the hardest time of the year for me, because it's rainy/snowy and my mood is always blah. But enough about that, I am trying to find a way to bottle up amazing and favorite moments in time and open them when you need them! :0)... I have not thought of anything yet. Using my imagination will have to do for now.
Hope your Easter is a bit warmer and shared with your loved ones! I can't wait to see what Zander thinks of gigantic bunnies and Easter eggs!
xoxo, cat

P.S. the story about my silly passport was that we grabbed my maiden name passport and we thought it odd that it had holes in it but we just threw it in the bag and rushed to the airport... Low and behold they informed us that there was NO way I could fly with it and that we should rush home to get the current one. So knowing that we couldn't make it home and back in 30 mins we decided to grab McDonalds breakfast and enjoy more Zander time and fly out on the next flight. Ugh, NEVER AGAIN will I grab an old passport!

Refreshing his scuba diving skills

Refreshing his scuba diving skills

Yep, that's right - the hunk on the right is all mine! <3

Yep, that's right - the hunk on the right is all mine! <3

The resort had impromptu water shows for us!

The resort had impromptu water shows for us!

OMG, the sweetest couple ever, as she was obviously struggling to walk to the water, he was so gentle and loving to her &lt;3

OMG, the sweetest couple ever, as she was obviously struggling to walk to the water, he was so gentle and loving to her <3

If you've ever heard of @muradosmann, he is "the man" at these #followmeto photos... we thought we'd take a stab at it ;0)

If you've ever heard of @muradosmann, he is "the man" at these #followmeto photos... we thought we'd take a stab at it ;0)

We visited a beautiful underwater Cenote - but they didn't let us take our camera inside so we're stuck with this VERY cheesy photo we paid for! Arg...

We visited a beautiful underwater Cenote - but they didn't let us take our camera inside so we're stuck with this VERY cheesy photo we paid for! Arg...

When Dan starts his GoPro, he looks at it to make sure it's on for each "taping" and I just can't get enough of these! Lol.