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Filtering by Tag: booties

A Touch of Sparkle

Catherine Zuperku

Happy Monday! I hope your weekend was relaxing as mine. A lot of nice little moments to make for a beautiful May thus far! Today I'm sharing one of my fave outfits. I recently have gotten addicted to statement necklaces - if you haven't noticed. I told Dan that was the last one! I'm glad I didn't quit the addiction before I bought it! If you've never heard of you really must check it out - daily deals that last until they're sold! I also fell in love with these booties and couldn't resist the purchase. I'll need to show some will power soon, but for now enjoy!

oxford shirt: old navy (similar), jeans: american eagle, booties: sole society, necklace:, watch: kate spade, sunglasses: anthropology, lipstick: nars lipstick in roman holiday 

photos by kaitlyn pfeiffer