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Filtering by Tag: classic look

Mint & the Classic Look

Catherine Zuperku

Oh how I love any Audrey Hepburn look. She was the epitome of style. My version of classic style is switching up the white oxford shirt with a feminine blouse. Totes my style! I had to add in a classic side pony tail - of course.
Kaitlyn and I had such a fun time with mini shoot and who knew my living room was the perfect backdrop for such a setting. The best part of this post is it utilizes my mother's family records! Such an authentic sound they exude, it was truly music to our ears! 

blouse: kohls, pants: express, ballet flats: H&M, bracelets: francescas, earrings: forever 21, lipstick: nars pure matte lipstick in madere
photos by kaitlyn pfeiffer