Oh Christmas Tree!
Catherine Zuperku
Ah, Zander and I could just stare at Christmas lights all day. I remember sitting underneath our family Christmas tree when I was younger and laying there for what seemed forever. It was probably 5 minutes but it was just so magical, so inspiring and so uplifting. I still can't place my finger on why it is that way to myself, but putting up the tree is one of my favorite things because at night I love sitting by it still.
So it was no surprise that Zander loves lights too. Last year I got a super cheap tree for Z and put it in his room this year for a night light. And 'oh boy' he loves it! His favorite thing to do is turn it on. Well now that I think of it, turning any light on is his favorite thing to do. Every night Daddy lets him pull the light string on his room's fan/light and he is just beaming. "Pull light now" is always his words after our prayer. He's so funny, I love that guy!
We also met Santa this year, last year we didn't even try. But let's just say that he wasn't happy. The picture says it all. Dan was a tad upset we paid for that picture but I think it's hilarious. Kids rarely like sitting on an old stranger's lap - I don't blame them. But it does make for cute pictures. I think he's definitely more of an Easter Bunny fan. So maybe we'll get a smile on that one. Lol!
Mama's tree...
Zander's tree...
His favorite ornament is a Robot one, he is always taking it off and getting it lost in this small house. But it's so cute to see him kiss it before he puts it on!
I asked him to smile for a picture with his tree and he got super close to the monkey ornament and half smiled. Love him!
Did you notice those little Curious George feet by the tree???