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Filtering by Tag: flowers

Let's hear it for the 'Ma's'!

Catherine Zuperku

Thankfully Dan knew exactly what I needed on Mother's Day... some extra sleep and just some time with my boys! Life has been really hectic lately, whether it's Dan working late, studying for his certification or all of our various commitments we have during the week - we really haven't had any time to just "be." In fact we rarely have any time to even reflect on what happened during the week! (How can life be so crazy?!) So having the the whole morning and afternoon with my boys was just heaven! And we were smart and napped when Zander napped - what a dream! Haha!
Dan made me delicious crepes for breakfast, which I know was hard for him since he thinks they're silly. They were so good! But of course it was my card that really touched my heart from my boys. There was a time when I wanted so desperately to be a mama and it wasn't "our time." However, having that struggle made me realize how blessed I am - even at 1 AM when he's horribly sick and just wants to be held for hours. And there are many people out there that want the same thing (not the sleep deprivation, but the yearning to be a mama!). Yes, it gets super hard some days but in those moments I "try" to stop and remember how blessed I am that I 'get' to get up with my son at 1 AM!
So, Happy belated Mother's Day to all the Ma's out there (even the furry baby mamas too!) for all you do 24/7! The world wouldn't be the same without you!

OMG! That face!

Be still my heart! ;)

Ahhh, probably one of my favorite photos evahhhh!