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Filtering by Tag: grace

The Jumping around kind of fun

Catherine Zuperku

Yay, finally a reason to get out my camera! With some decent weather in the past weeks I have picked up my camera and have taken some pictures again. As of now, it's snowing outside like crazy and I'm back to my winter hibernation (it happens every January - March, I just don't feel like myself) but this past weekend we had the best excuse to party. Grace turned 5! And what better way to celebrate than to jump around.
Dave and Lo planned a great day for the kiddos and us adults to play around and have some fun at Jump Zone. And Zander loved, loved it! The look on his face was pure joy and he couldn't stop dancing when he saw the giant jump houses!
And then cake with Grace and Henry was the cherry on top of the weekend! Its so funny how everyone learns what lights up a child's face... CANDLES! Poor Grace had to fight to blow her own out at first. But then we let Zander and Henry have a turn separately too. Of course Lo did get to blow some out too for her birthday. I find February and March birthdays to be a lot of fun - you need a nice break in the winter months to celebrate something or someone! Now I just need to get through the rest of March and I think I'll be back to my happy self again! Good weather please visit us again soon ;)

I have to say that Jim and Jenny were the best troopers to do everything the kids did - they are going to make fabulous parents someday ;)


birthday girl and the birthday cake creator!

<3 these people ;)