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Filtering by Tag: jon's birthday

May the 4th be with you

Catherine Zuperku

This weekend had many high notes to it, in fact the only down is that it must come to an end. Dan and I enjoyed walking for Breast Cancer on Saturday down by the Lake Front, plus it was good weather - not like some years past! And of course we celebrated my lil bro's birthday yesterday. 23! Ah! I am so blessed that my brother is a wonderful example of a man with a huge heart. We also spent time singing, learning violin (well more like pretending to know how to play) chatting, eating (of course), riding motorcycles and a trip to the gun range. Ha, yep that too - all that topped off with some delicious chocolate cake and birthday singing. All in all, an A+ weekend! Happy Monday!

Oh and don't forget to see the ceramic tiles my mom and Amanda are making. Super adorable! Artwork by Amanda!