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Filtering by Tag: july 4th

Red, White + Sparkle

Catherine Zuperku

Can anyone else believe that we just celebrated the 4th of July!? This year is going by so fast!
Needless to say, we had the most lovely and fun-filled couple of days. Our sweet and "oh-so-amazing" family from South Carolina is up in Wisconsin for a bit and we got to hang out with their fabulous crew. I finally went through those pics last night and I realized that I wish I had tons of wall space to frame all these precious pics - maybe in the future! I can't wait to share those ;D
As for the below photos, these were our "test" shots with some sparklers! It was so much fun, especially the ones we tried after Mr. Z went to bed! I'm thinking this can be one of our new family traditions!
Happy 240th 'Merica!

Look at those concerned eyes! He couldn't decide if he was scared of them and would pull back,  then suddenly he would swiftly reach for them! It'll be a long while till he can hold one!

I love this face!

lol, totally a little mushy, but what can I say, I <3 him!

lol, totally a little mushy, but what can I say, I <3 him!

Love, The Zuperku's... ya know, "Z's" backwards are all the rage, I swear ;D

Love, The Zuperku's
... ya know, "Z's" backwards are all the rage, I swear ;D