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Filtering by Tag: leaves

A "fall"tastic kind of Monday

Catherine Zuperku

Happy Monday and happy amazing weather! Zander and I were on a mission today to be outside as much as possible... even if that meant playing light sabers whilst in the dark after his nap. With the time change, I'm super sad there will be almost no daylight once he's up from his nap :(
But c'est la vie! right? If only I could capture this fall weather and save it for the winter days. If anyone has tips for winter with kiddos, let me in on your secrets! This mama is a tad stressed out about how to handle another winter, especially when I get a little seasonally depressed.
In any case, it was just lovely to enjoy today. And honestly I don't really have much more to say!
These photos were from a couple weekends ago on another rare and beautiful fall day! Can you tell toddlers are obsessed with leaves. He must run his shoes through the leaves while on the way to the park. What normally is a 5 minute walk has become a 15 minute walk - playing with leaves the whole way!

OMG, the faces he's recently making are just melting my heart. Note to self: must remember this when he's on his 6th "time out" of the day!