Mother's Day 2017
Catherine Zuperku
Again, keeping with my habits as of late (which also means I'm late in getting to anything these days)... here are some pics from Mother's Day! With the craziness of moving, we didn't plan anything for that day... but I did get some really nice surprises. Like; breakfast the minute I awoke, a handsome little 2 year old (in a bow-tie) giving me flowers, a picnic (I have always to have one just happen out of nowhere!) and by my request some photos to remember the day!
The day was so simple, so lovely and filled with happiness. I wish I could bottle that it up, because it also consisted of a nap for myself during Zander's naptime! Ha. Truly, the simple things in life make me happy!
I'm so blessed to be this fella's mama! I MUST remember this daily as we have entered the terrible twos and most of my day is spent disciplining (which is actually more exhausting on the parent than the child!). This 'mom' job never stops, it's 24/7, you worry constantly and it is by far the hardest thing I've ever done. But I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I would never have known of a love so sweet and never kissed someone so much in my life (he hates it but I sneak any kiss in that I can!) So, to all the Mamas out there, (even the fur baby mamas) thanks for giving up SO MUCH to make life better for another! You are a beautiful soul that is selfless like no other!
oh yeah, the lighting was awful at this time of day but as a mama who loves photos, I'll take any time my boys want to give me smiles!