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Filtering by Tag: michelle

old-fashioned fun

Catherine Zuperku

Isn't it funny how we share our best moments on camera? It's pretty rare and a little heart-breaking to take pictures of the moments that are super tough and expose yourself by sharing your deepest sorrows. Now, I am definitely one who doesn't want to share the super private hardships with the social media world, so honestly I get why we don't show that side. HOWEVER, I want to take a moment and talk about my women friends! I have recently witnessed such beautiful women who have listened to my recent tough growing pain and who haven't diminished it and who are walking beside me through it. Whether it be through loving texts, prayers, yummy food or time together! And it's awesome! As humans, I'm convinced we weren't meant to go through life alone. We need others to help us through the low times and to rejoice with us in the high times.
Life is a roller-coaster... albeit a crazy and good one. But I have realized in this growing pain that it's sometimes necessary for growth - to become who God wants us to be. Don't get me wrong, this desert place (as my young and wise 15 year old niece calls it) isn't fun. It's quite excruciating. But it has oddly reminded me to count my blessings, to be thankful for the little things. Life is hard, but I'm going through it beside amazing and strong women. Women I love and cherish!
Below is some old-fashioned fun with some of my favorite women right after we celebrated myself turning one year older (ugh... the official "birth" day is tomorrow!) We of course are missing my San Franciscan sister Amanda; as well as Bethany, who left too early to be part of my crazy photo shoot idea! Seriously they are just to kind to let me boss them in what to do, what to drink and to be part of the red lipstick wearing gang! Love, love love them!