Sweet Memories... a little good-bye to our 1st home!
Catherine Zuperku
Ahhh, We did it! We survived a move. I had no idea how incredibly challenging the last couple months would be when we put an offer on a house that had potential. And with it came many ups and downs - actually too many to mention. And even though there are moments of regret leaving our old house (which housed so many sweet, sweet memories) we know in our hearts that moving was right for us! We were basically bursting out of our old house. Too many toys, too much furniture (which is funny to remember that we had only hand me down couch and a bedroom set to start) and feeling cramped all the time!
As for who is adjusting best among all of us, that would be Zander! He absolutely loves the new house. In fact, when we are headed home after an errand he always asks, "Are we going to the new house?" And of course we are, and he is ecstatic! As if our old house is old news already!
As for Dan, he is the most amazing man, simply because he rolls with the punches and doesn't complain! There have been so many mishaps in the past month, at which I have had many meltdowns - and he remains calm and collected! HOW DOES HE DO IT? Seriously, I am working on rolling with the punches - I have to!
As for me, I recently found a quote that I repeat daily - "Attitude is the difference between an adventure and an ordeal." Because my emotions had gotten to be too much for me, with getting news of another expense. I needed to refocus my energy and realize where I receive 'abundant life.' And it's ok... we perhaps have no working dishwasher, the water leaks from both sinks in the bathroom, the electric in Zander's room won't turn on unless you turn on the guest room light... and many more things! With all that going wrong, life is so good! And we are so blessed to have a bigger house that has room to grow! We have a house, we have each other and I think I needed to learn that lesson. It's still a work in progress to stay postive. But perhaps in years to come, when something goes wrong I'll immediately remember that 'Thanksfulness lifts you above your circumstances.' That will be my goal!
As for all the memories we left in that house, I could just cry! It was our first home together, we went through a lot there. Many good and hard times! But my 'home' is my family and that stays with me no matter where i go!
Below was our last family meal in the old house. Which is somewhat symbolic for Dan and I because we both remember the first meal we had there. It wasn't fancy at all (Mall take-out to be exact) but I remember chatting about the future and praying over our first home. So, i kind of had to take some photos the last day to look back when I'm feeling emotional. Which is literally ALL the time! ;)