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Filtering by Tag: parks

A couple weeks ago...

Catherine Zuperku

And just like that winter has arrived! I guess it isn't official for another day, but still it's freezing cold. My car said -4 degrees last night! Ah, I'm kind of stressing about how to handle not being able to step outside and feel the warmth of the sun on my face. And apparently Zander is having a tough time too. Every time we go outside to the car (I dream of an attached garage!) he pulls his hood so tight and says, "COLD OUTSIDE, Mama put hat on!" Haha, I know! It's hard adjusting to winter especially with a toddler who needs to get outside.
But in any case, at least Christmas is almost here! I always enjoy this holiday so much! We are party ready; as we have 3 in just the beginning half of this week! It's so nice to get out at night and chat with friends/family and not be in the same house all day! We have to get out at least once a day - it helps keep Z and I sane. LOL. I actually brought Zander to the Y today just to run around in the gym. And he did! He kicked and hit that basketball for 30 minutes. I'm happy to say he is napping really hard right now ;)
I cannot believe it was the below weather a couple weeks ago! It's so shocking to know how fast snow falls upon us. At least daddy can teach Zander the joys of sledding now!

those two!