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Filtering by Tag: party


Catherine Zuperku

Ok, I know, I know I'm the biggest blog slacker I know, but at least I can blame it on being preggers! But I'm super excited to do this post. 
You see, I was completely and utterly SHOCKED at what awaited a saturday night double date that I thought I was going to… which ended up to be a surprise birthday party for me! Ah, I can't even describe the joy I felt when I saw everyone. My heart was bursting with emotion and was dumb-founded that all these people came out for little "ole" me! I am SO SO SO completely blessed. And to top it off - I had no clue. It must have been the baby brain. I really thought we were attending an 80's theme skate night for a small radio station - yes I'm that gullible! Dan played it off perfectly - nothing seemed out of the ordinary. A huge thank you to him and my sister Michelle and Jenny for my lovely cake! Plus another big thank you to all the people I love that came out to celebrate, I appreciate you all so much and am honored to call you family and dear friends!
Needless to say here are some pics and a video that sums up my feelings that I will cherish the rest of my life. (sorry if they are blurry, we only had our phones for pictures - some of them were too blurry to share)

yes, waving arms is proven to stop crying. HAHA
video provided by David Pfeiffer