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Filtering by Tag: riviera maya

Riviera Maya - Part II

Catherine Zuperku

As promised the continuation of our visual journey in Riviera Maya. Oh and yes how could I forget the story of the scuba diving adventure… Well let's just say that I had every intention of going 40' deep and swimming with the fish. Intentions don't always happen! Mysteriously a storm rolled in and it started raining, the sky turned dark charcoal gray and the boat was going up and down, up and down… at this point the instructor told us what would be in the ocean. Oh nothing much besides, eels, octopus, blow fish and sharks! I asked several times and with a straight face he said, "I can't lie, it does happen that a shark will swim by - it's quite rare though!" WHAT! And I still decided to go in when all the women opted out. And then it happened... when I jumped in and my mask fell off and all the men were going down the anchored rope and I could not get my mask to work. I started panicking and had visions of a shark eating my feet any moment now. I just couldn't. In the end I am ok that I didn't go, the intense fear of the unknown down there will just have to be overcome at a later date!

This is before the sky became charcoal gray

This is before the sky became charcoal gray

My aerobics class, super fun!

My aerobics class, super fun!

yep, that was my fancy salad at the italian restaurant That's right folks fancy = small!.

yep, that was my fancy salad at the italian restaurant That's right folks fancy = small!.

long exposure, which is why I'm blurry

long exposure, which is why I'm blurry

good-bye fantasy, back to reality

good-bye fantasy, back to reality