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Filtering by Tag: sick

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Catherine Zuperku

2017 has so far been a tad hard juggling being sick on and off while watching a 2 year old. I thought I was completely better until Wednesday morning when mama was out of the game for good. Thank goodness for amazing family. They offered to watch Zander and let me sleep and my dear sweet sis-in-law brought a beautiful care package. Such a huge blessing! The Dr says I have a virus, so the boys went ahead and went on Dan's sibling day getaway without me so I could rest up. AND I so missed them so much, which sounds silly because I see Zander every day and sometimes dream of time alone. But I did enjoy waking up to a quiet house and might have turned up my music really loud just because I wanted to (wink, wink). In any case I'm getting better and can't wait to feel like a person this week! Love these boys even when I can't kiss them for fear of them getting sick!