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Filtering by Tag: windmill

Our favorite part of the Zoo

Catherine Zuperku

It's such a treat to go anywhere with Daddy! Especially to our frequent hang out places, like the Zoo. I think we go so often that Zander doesn't need to see all the animals lately - he's more interested in the Train, the Playground, the goats, the fan and the windmill we found 3 visits ago! Along with his round and spinning obsession, we can now add Windmills. He'll stop anytime we see one and say "Fan!" He forgets it's called a Windmill. Ha.
But this time daddy came with us on an off day and we got to show him our favorite spots! He loves showing his daddy off to his favorite places!

Those hands! <3

Showing Daddy his favorite fan! It's the biggest by far that's he's seen.

The Zoo Windmill. He'll stare at it for minutes. He just loves seeing it spin. And when there is no wind, he proclaims, "It's off now."