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Filtering by Category: Lifestyle

The State Fair Kind of Fun

Catherine Zuperku

I have only been to the Wisconsin State Fair once in my life besides this year. Not that it's not great, I just don't do crowds. I avoid SummerFest too. It's probably the older side of me but I like functions where people don't bump into me. Lol.
Anywho, it was Zander's first time at the Fair and I would say he 'somewhat' liked it. The animals weren't a draw for him - as I've stated about the Zoo, he doesn't want to visit the animals at the Zoo just the mechanical items there. Like; the windmill, the fan, the train, etc.
So it was no surprise that he lit up when he saw the cars - since everything these days is about cars and steering wheels. Anytime, a relative comes over, the first thing out of Zander's mouth is, "I'm so glad you're here, and your car too!" Haha. His latest comment is, "My feet are growing bigger mom... I can reach Grandpa's pedals now." It's so sweet, but that poor boy has to wait 14 more years to drive!
Most of our pics are in cars, rightfully so - if Zander had his way all the time. Oh I forgot to mention that he cried all the way home because he had to leave the cars. So like I said about Zander... Mommy and Daddy 'somewhat' liked the fair as well.

best concentration face ever!

my fav part, a bucket of donuts! Yes, please!

I had to add these last two. His face when he realizes that there is NO steering wheel in the plane. He wanted to get off immediately!