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She was born in Illinois, raised in Texas and then was uprooted by her Mid-West parents to Wisconsin. She is eternally grateful to them because she met her best friend and partner in crime there! Her love for solving mysteries explains her childhood dream of being the next Sherlock Holmes. She frequently sings and dances around the house and doesn't care if her hubby gives her funny looks! She must capture a picture of her jumping on every vacation she takes. She has a love for classic movies that include such talents as Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn and Doris Day. She can also finish a pint of Hagen Daaz Rocky Road Ice Cream in just two sittings! She currently holds a career in a creative field and is always looking for ways to expand the beauty of the world through art.



He was born and raised in Wisconsin and learns his love of traveling to new places from his wife! He is technically a geek in a cool man's clothing. He has a drawer full of watches and always matches one to his daily outfit! His undeniable love for his wife is seen every night with his amazing meals. His aspirations as a little tike was to manage the skies as a pilot and hopes to someday get his pilot license. He's funnier than he looks and always has a sense of humor when you ask him a serious question! He leaves his wife beautiful and encouraging notes in her work bag to simply make her smile. He currently works for a major bank in which he tracks the pirates of the 21st century.



They are known as the Zuperku's (pronounced "Zoo-per-cues") hence the title "The Zupercutes!" They are amateur photo takers who love capturing moments with their Canon camera. They are currently waiting for Wisconsin to thaw out and look forward to many walks with the camera in the Spring. They also aspire to be avid adventure-ists, with many places to explore on their bucket list. They hope to leave a mark on the world in which people see God's ever-lasting love for his creation. Oh and they hope to one day share their love for life with tons of kiddos! ;D