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Catherine Zuperku

Zander's first art exhibit experience! As an artist myself I was so excited to take Z to the museum - I was anticipating what piece would capture his little eyes the most. Only to find out that the Milwaukee Art Museum is under construction - all of it except a little area they keep for special exhibits. In any case, I was determined he would experience some art! So, while Pa watched the Air show Z and I were on a art mission ...and that lasted about 7 minutes possibly 10 because I checked out the gift shop. Normally it would take a good hour to go through but it was only like 25 paintings to see. After posing in front of a Jackson Pollock painting, Z was done.
Any who, Pa came back and we got a couple photos in before we went to the Air show.
News flash: Zander didn't freak out about the jets and their sound at all! However when the Thunderbirds came on, the tears started coming. Poor muffin - still doesn't like loud sounds!