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Hannah Jean

Catherine Zuperku

What a beautiful little cutie this darling lady is! And she has the smartest and most God-loving parents I know! So, she for sure will be brought up in a home full of love and laughter.
And I had the privilege to shoot her newborn session! I, by my own admittance, am not a pro; but I do love the chance to be creative and stretch my photography muscles when possible. So it was my pleasure to take photos of this little miss. And oddly enough I am looking forward to her growing up already. I know, we all want to keep little babies small and cute while we can, but since I'm friends with her parents I am so thrilled to see her become a little lady in the years to come. But for now, I will cherish these first moments and just "pray" for her future while she's little!

best newborn hat ever - ice cream!

I caught one smile - woo hoo!

makes my heart melt every time I see this one!