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Easter 2017

Catherine Zuperku

That smile is so contagious!

That smile is so contagious!

This year has flown by already. I am writing this in May - which is well past the actual Easter date. But I so desperately love keeping track of our life in some way. I have recently looked back on old posts and thought "aw, that was such a great moment," and I don't want to forget all the good moments in the midst of the chaos of life! And I have totally slacked lately on keeping track of our life. And for good reason... WE MOVED! Moving is not an easy thing at all. So if anyone tells ya different, they are sorely mistaken ;) So within the time frame of moving, we also put our old house on the rental market, Dan studied for an Exam and I packed like a mad woman while Zander took naps. And I still didn't pack enough! So needless to say, life has been busy. We are still in the midst of the chaos that a move produces - but I'll save that for another post.
Back to Easter... It was absolutely lovely! Zander has such a sweet heart for stuffed animals and Easter Bunnies. He was ecstatic when we told him he was going to see the Easter Bunny and wanted to get dressed up. I was going to put a less formal shirt on him and he insisted on a button down. I love that guy so much!
Zander has also grown up so much in just a couple months. He says prepositions in his sentences and can spell the words, "Go" and "Stop." And some of Zander's new comments make Dan and I laugh so hard that I'm hoping to put them in his baby book soon. But who knows where that book is at the moment! His strong opinions also amaze us as he's always saying "I don't like that music" or "I'm done with that" or even "Dad, that's not right!" Here's a couple more that make us laugh every time we think of them!
• When he is misbehaving we tell him that we will turn the TV off and he says, "No Dad, just pause it!"
• I said to him the other day that we were going to Grandma's house and he responded, "That's wonderful!" Just so calmly, it was adorable!
• Being told that he can't keep turning the fan/lights on and off, he responds, "Mama, you go over there and cook" or most often I get, "Mama, you go far away now." He also says that when he's trying to get his aunts or grandparents to do something he's not normally allowed to do and I try and tell him "no."
• He's so stubborn that when I made him eat my corn casserole at dinner, he let it sit in his mouth for 30 minutes before I made him drink it down with some water. We were wondering why he wasn't talking and low and behold his mouth was stuffed with corn casserole.
• He has a huge crush on Minnie and it's the sweetest thing I've ever seen! At 2am one morning we heard him talking to Minnie (in his crib) saying, "Minnie, are you ok?" And then a minute later he'd laugh and say, "Minnie, you're so funny."
• He also is so in love with her that when he's done saving Minnie (from many desperate 'made up' situations) at his friends' houses, he has to make sure that the host takes care of Minnie before he leaves. He's basically distraught until the host can prove that Minnie is well taken care of. It's so cute!
• He has now become the safety monitor of the house too. I was standing on a stool to clean a closet the other day and he told me numerous times, "Watch your head Mama!"
• And lastly, his memory is amazing because we used to have a fan (at the new house) that shook while it was on. So I told him to never stand under it just in case he gets hurt. Well, he translated that to never stand underneath fans. I didn't figure this out until I asked him to get ta book in his crib for story time and he walked around the whole room to get it, instead of walking straight to the crib. I asked him why, and he looked up and said, "fan could fall mama, don't stand under it!"
Bless his little tender and stubborn heart! <3

3 Years of Easter Family photos! That little muffin melts my heart!