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Happy 2nd Birthday Alexander Calvary!

Catherine Zuperku

Ah, I cannot believe you're two! It's crazy how fast time goes. But on the other hand, I feel like you've always been here. I couldn't imagine life without you and it's hard to think back on memories before you and think you weren't here? So very weird!
Zander, you are such a joy to your daddy and I! You fill our home with smiles and laughter galore. Your laugh is so contagious and it's from the bottom of your little heart! When you're happy, I fill with pride knowing you take joy in simple things. And when your sad, scared or sick, I would give anything to make you smile. You absolutely love showing off and being a ham to your family! And you always like doing crazy acrobatic skills while your face-timing with Grace. We however, find that you're quite reserved when it comes to new situations or strangers, which secretly I love because you hold on to me ever so tightly! I treasure those moments because you're not a snuggle bug!
You have a passion for learning and exploring. It astounds me the things you remember or the things you like to do! At your age, you love going through shape cards... you of course especially love the circles and ovals. No surprise there! You can never get enough of the alphabet. My goodness you can point out letters while we're at the store. Usually E's (or you like to call them "elephants!"), K's (you call them "Katie-bugs), G's (Grandmas), Z (for Zander's) and many more! And we've heard you counting up to 5 in your crib at night. I am always amazed at how smart little children are, I need to give you more credit!
You're also like your daddy when it comes to stuffed animals. You make each one have the voice that you daddy makes for it. Every night (without fail) you mimic or "talk" to your yellow Dr. Suess friend (we affectionately call him "Crazy") and it make me smile every time!
You recently have been wanting to "go fast!" And you run with your hands behind your back and dart off! Daddy and I always get a tad scared as you trip sometimes but your face lights up when you "go fast!" And you favorite part of The Incredibles is Dash running across water. Your mouth drops and I find you staring at the TV! I wish I knew what you were thinking.
You still love spinning your tupperware and poitning out fans... but you've made room for your new love of Mozart and Beethoven children music. Every morning I know what to expect after you drink your milk and watch an episode of Curious George... you turn your music CD on. And then 5 minutes later you turn it off and then on and then pause and then on and then off - and this goes on and on!!!! Sometimes I'm thankful I love you so much because you can have a stubborn personality. But when I think about the future I can imagine a young man that knows what he wants and what he believes in with your personality. So even though you test your mama and daddy's patience - I'm so happy God made you just the way you are! There are many more things that make my heart soar but your mama is tired and needs to go to bed! We love you to infinity and beyond and are so proud of who you are already!
xoxo, mama + daddy