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Filtering by Tag: corn maze

Pumpkin Picking 2017

Catherine Zuperku

I think Dan and I sort of feel like we already have a teenager - AH! And it rings true for this past weekend when I look back at photos and see our little man have so many emotions and it wasn't even nap time! ha!
But looking back at this weekend, we still love seeing his personality blossom and all of his newly formed opinions on what he likes and what he dislikes. His likes are anywhere between all types of cars and their names and logos. Seriously, we walk through a parking lot and he will say every brand of car! Another like lately is any meal that consists of fries, as he states, "fries are good for my tummy!" and pancakes, which his comment always is, "Yeah, you can make pancakes mom," and I wasn't even asking for approval. His dislikes lately are naps, bedtime, any vegetable and random meals during the day (I even called the Dr for advise).
But he always surprises me with how much he takes in and understands. When I told him if the balloons from the gender reveal box are pink that means girl and if their blue that means boy... he still talks about that to me to this day. And he always has some comment about how baby is inside me and how he loves her! One random dinner he stopped Dan and I's normal daily conversation and said seriously, "Momma, you have long hair?" "Yes," I replied. "Do you brush it?" he added. "Yes, I brush it," I answered. And then he said, "Ok, you can do that." And that was the end of the conversation. :)
And after we made little pillows in art class, he told me in the car that he already has a pillow and he didn't want his. So I suggested that he use the little pillow for Mr. Bananas (his stuffed monkey) and he was thrilled! When we got home he ran upstairs and put the pillow under Mr Bananas. Oh and last night, after I put him to bed I heard him 'reading' his 5 little monkeys book to himself and his little animals. Ugh, my heart needs to remember these moments as there are a lot of touch tantrum moments as well. We just love his little comments.
Anywho, I hope I can remember these sweet moments forever! I just revisited the 2015 and 2016 pumpkin picking and I can't believe the 'baby' is all gone and I basically have an almost 3 year old! AH!

The beginning of his teenager mood...