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Filtering by Tag: love

About to be a family of 4!

Catherine Zuperku

As I am on bed rest (or basically intense modified bed rest since we all know life with a toddler doesn't allow full bed rest!) now and dilated 1 cm,, I have a ton more time to reflect on what is to come and to be honest even though I know sleepless nights are coming my biggest thought is how to still show my baby boy all the love he needs. He has been our light for 3 years and I know people say your love just grows for another baby, but I'm a tad stuck on will Zander know how much I still love him?
I know there will be an adjustment time, nothing new is easy and I don't want to expect perfection of being a mama of two right away. So perhaps the answer is simple, do the best I can. And hopefully I can carve out time to show my little man that I will always love him with the same love as when he entered this world. 
But all these thoughts have me looking at some recent family shots from October, that my talented sister Kaitlyn Pfeiffer took. I am so glad an emotional, hormonal and sentimental person like meh as photos to look back on and remember all the wonderful moments. And I'm positive that now there will be even more moments to treasure with two!