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Zander's 3rd birthday!

Catherine Zuperku

As Zander likes to state now, "I'm 3 this year!" Yes, my dear fella - you are 3! And I cannot believe how the time has flown! And we rung it in with a themed bash, which you decided would be all about cars! As I stated in my last post, it's your new obsession! You have seen all the Disney Car movies, you absolutely love Lightning McQueen and I have to say that I'm oddly proud of you that you can name every car logo out there! It's your favorite thing to do while driving or walking into stores. So it didn't surprise daddy or myself that you wanted your birthday to reflect this new found obsession!
And it was so endearing to see your family gather around you and celebrate your life! It's so special as a parent to see your child loved by family and friends! And boy, did they spoil you! But perhaps this will keep you somewhat busy as I lay around trying not to exhaust myself with back pain and such! (wink, wink!)
So here's to you my little man! You are quite the guy and we love you more than words can say!

This is when he told me, "No more pictures, mom!" So that was that for the party! lol

The night before his real birthday, I spent an hour drawing his fave characters and he loved it! I was afraid he would be upset that I erased his fans, but he hasn't mentioned it yet! And then on to our birthday tradition of BOWLING!

ok, just so you know, that is his "smile for the camera" face. He always replies, "I AM!"

He gets the "lean" from me apparently... I do this when I want my ball to change directions too!